


To make easier the sale of upholstered items, and due to the increasing range of fabrics with a wide range of prices, we have changed the way we sell them. From now on to calculate the price of upholstered items, the following must be considered:

- The price indicated on upholstered furniture sheet it is just for the STRUCTURE.

- To this price you have to add the price of the fabric, multiplying the price of the fabric by the meters needed to manufacture.

- The necessary meters for each item are shown in the item description.

- You can also use a fabric from your regular supplier; in this case the price to take into account is only the one of the structure,

We will be happy to assist you in case you have any questions,



Para facilitar la venta de los artículos tapizados, y dada la cada vez mayor oferta de telas con un amplio abanico de precios, hemos cambiado la forma de vender los mismos. A partir de ahora para calcular el precio de los artículos tapizados hay que tener en cuenta lo siguiente:

- El precio que indica en la ficha del mueble tapizado es el de la ESTRUCTURA.

- A este precio hay que añadir el precio de la tela, multiplicando el precio de la tela por los metros a utilizar de la misma.

- Los metros necesarios para cada artículo se encuentran en la descripción del artículo.

- También puede usted utilizar una tela de su proveedor habitual, en esta caso el precio es sólo el de la estructura,

Estaremos encantados de atenderle en caso de que tenga alguna duda,



Afin de faciliter la vente des articles tapissés et compte tenu de la diversité croissante des tissus aux prix les plus divers, nous avons changé la façon dont nous les vendons. Dorénavant, pour calculer le prix des articles tapissés, il faut tenir en compte:

- Le prix indiqué sur la fiche du mobilier tapissé est celui de la STRUCTURE.

- À ce prix, vous devez ajouter le prix du tissu, en multipliant le prix du tissu par les mètres à l'utiliser.

- Les mètres nécessaires pour chaque article se trouvent dans la description de l'article.

- Vous pouvez également utiliser un tissu chez votre fournisseur habituel, dans ce cas, le prix à tenir en compte est seul celui de la structure.

Nous serons heureux de vous aider si vous avez des questions,



Video Maison & Objet 03-22

Video Maison & Objet 03-22

The video of our Maison & Objet Paris March 2022 booth is now available on our youtube chanel or on our website in the Gallery section

+ Info

Video Intergift 02-22

Video Intergift 02-22

The video of our Intergift Madrid February 2022 booth is now available on our youtube chanel or on our website in the Gallery section

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Video Maison & Objet and Intergift 09-21

Video Maison & Objet and Intergift 09-21

This video is a mix of our Maison & Objet Paris and Intergift Madrid booths is now available on our youtube chanel or on our website in the Gallery section

+ Info

New Furniture PDF Catalog available

New Furniture PDF Catalog available

Our 2021 Furniture Catalog is now available.

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Brucs will be participating in July 2021 Edition of Trendset Munich

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Brucs will be participating in September 2021 Edition of Maison & Objet Paris

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Brucs will be participating in September 2021 Edition of Intergift Madrid. 

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HIP Madrid

HIP Madrid


Brucs will be exhibiting at the Horeca Professional Expo HIP (Hospitality Innovation Planet) 

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Interihotel Digital Edition

Interihotel Digital Edition


Brucs is participating in the Digital Edition of Interihotel. 

+ Info




After Covid forced to stop our main shows on September 2020, this first quarter shows also have been canceled. 

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Trendset Munich Postponed

Trendset Munich Postponed


Trendset Munich has been postponed to February instead of January. With this announcement our first quarter show schedule is as follows: .

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Show Room Virtual Tour

Show Room Virtual Tour


Visit our New Show Room Virtual Tour 


+ Info

2021 First Quarter Shows

2021 First Quarter Shows


After Covid forced to stop our main shows on September 2020, Brucs will be staring the first quarter of 2021 participatin on the most important Home and Furniture shows in Europe, of course if the Coronavirus Restrictions allow us.

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Christmas Holidays

Christmas Holidays


Brucs will be closed for Christmas Holidays from December 25th 2020 to January 3rd 2021. Please plan your orders ahead to avoid any inconvinience. 

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Pictures of Trendset München

Pictures of Trendset München

The pictures of our last show in Trendset München are already available on the Gallery section. 

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Trendset Munich September 2020

Trendset Munich September 2020

Brucs will be participating for the first time in Trendset Munich from September 12th to 14th. We will be exhibiting with a 140 sqm booth in hall A2, booth number B21. If you are wishing to visit the show please let us know and we will be sending you some tickets for free entrance. 

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Maison & Objet París September 2019

Maison & Objet París September 2019

Brucs will be participating once again in the show Maison & Objet in Paris from September 6th to 10th. Our booth will be in Hall 7 number A177

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Intergift Madrid September 2019

Intergift Madrid September 2019

 Brucs will be participating in Intergift Madrid that will be held from September 8th to 12th. We will be at the main entrance of hall 3, stand number 3C02

+ Info

Download Catalogue

Download Catalogue

This is not our full catalogue, but it is a small  PDF with some of our items. We are working with the new catalogue. By the moment you can download this at the following link: 


+ Info

Summer Holidays 2019

Summer Holidays 2019

From July 29th to August 4th we will be closed for Summer Holidays. Please, plan your orders ahead. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. Have a nice Summer.

+ Info

New Furniture Collection

New Furniture Collection

Our new furniture collection it is already in the Customer Zone. You can now see it by registering on our web site. 

+ Info

Intergift Madrid September 2017

Intergift Madrid September 2017

Brucs will be participating in Intergift Madrid show that will be held from September 20th to 24th. We will be at the main entrance of hall 3, stand number 3C00

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October HORECA shows

October HORECA shows

In October 2017, Brucs will be participating in two shows for HORECA bussiness channel. The two shows will be Host Milan and InteriHotel Barcelona.

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Summer Timetable

Summer Timetable

We would like to inform you that from June 5th to July 28th 2017 we will work from 7 am to 2 pm only due to Summer Timetable. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.  

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Residential project

Residential project

Here there are some pictures of a residential project we have been involved with. 

+ Info

Show-Room Openning

Show-Room Openning

From next March 10th, our showroom will be available again. You will find the latest products of the brand for the summer season and the previews of what the autumn-winter collection will be.

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Equiphotel París Noviembre 2016

Equiphotel París Noviembre 2016

Brucs will be exhibiting at the Horeca business oriented show Equipotel Paris from November 6th to 10th. We wait you there. 

+ Info

Hostelco Barcelona Octubre 2016

Hostelco Barcelona Octubre 2016

Brucs will be participating at Hostelco Barcelona together with Costa Nova Portugal from October 23rd to 26th in Barcelona. 

+ Info